Charity and I saw the Konks, the 45s and the D4 at TT the Bear's last Thursday. Konks: a couple of cool Beefhearty-bluesy numbers, including a killer version of Mississippi Fred McDowell's "You Gotta Move," but the other songs left me cold. The 45s: This was our second time seeing them, and I think they've quickly become my very favorite band of this whole neo-garage scene, not least because you get the idea that they would be doing this kind of music even if if wasn't hip. Check out their album FIGHT DIRTY, too. The D4: I like their album a lot, because like a lot of New Zealand and Australian bands, the D4 recognize that it's only a very thin line between the Stooges and Motorhead, or the Ramones and AC/DC. Live, though, they have ZERO stage presence, their live sound lacks the balls of the album, and they can't quite pull off the arrogance that their music requires. You know how some bands can get away with acting like dickheads because they have enough charisma or humor or sheer talent to back it up? Well, the D4 basically just come off like a bunch of dickheads. It's the little things, really. You don't see a lot of the shirtless drummer anymore, and it's always nice to see someone try to resurrect that trope, but here's the thing: the drummer doesn't *start* the show shirtless! He's supposed to peel down about halfway through the set, to show how thoroughly he's, y'know, rockin', maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. Starting the show shirtless, he just looked like a guy who could use a sandwich and a couple weeks on the beach. We stayed for about a half-dozen songs, decided that they weren't getting any better and bagged it. The D4 are not the Vines: they didn't suck. (The Vines, you may recall, don't just suck live, they SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) But live, there's just nothing interesting happening. Tip for all club sound guys: We all like it loud. We all agree that if it's too loud, you're too old. But when the opening bands are playing and there's like maybe 30 people in the club? You don't have the speakers at the same volume you will later in the evening when the club is full and there's more bodies to muffle the sound! Simple physics! I literally saw people running out of the club with their hands over their ears, and when we weren't actually shooting pictures of the bands, we were escaping over into the quieter half of the club to actually listen out of eyesight range. S