Its like a Moon Pie, It's a chocolate covered cookie with marshmallow in the middle. One chocolate treat thats still popular in Texas is the Goo Goo Cluster. I never heard of them in growing up in Oklahoma until we moved to Texas and my father came home from work with some he got free, they were gooey but very delectable. I have a couple VHS tapes of classic commercials, and I have never tried Bosco syrup, its hard to find "down here". Any good? Another lost 60's powered drink - Great Shakes. My mother still has the shaker, and I remember sneaking into the kitchen at 3am to fix one. I have a couple Mp3s of their radio spots (featuring the Who, Yardbirds, Dusty Springfield, Chiffons) too. Billy At 05:18 AM 2/9/03 -0600, you wrote: >At 12:14 AM 2/9/03 -0800, you wrote: >>Next thing you'll tell me if that they >>still make Scooter Pies! > > >They do - check > >Never had one, what do they taste like?? > >