In a message dated 2/9/03 5:00:39 PM, writes: << Athletic musicians? How about Steve Howe, who pitched for the Dodgers in the early 80's? Okay, so maybe he never actually cut any guitar tracks for Yes, but I recall a few games against SF at the 'Stick where the umps had to hold him back from snorting up the line between third and home! (top 5 athletes with rock and roll lifestyles, anyone?) >> Argh! I was one of the play-by-play men for the San Jose Bees the year Steve Howe was on the team (the Bad News Bees, as they were called). You had a herd of ex-major leaguers who couldn't adjust to not being major leaguers exibiting similar behavior, (plus a few who were actually serious about getting back to the bigs). To bring it full-circle: the intro-outro music we used was the B-52's "Whammy." --Chris Bucholtz