>Five bands from folks' earliest of music listening 'careers' that forever changed, shaped, molded, influenced and >enhanced your life, putting you on the road to ridiculous expenditures on music. 1) The Beatles - my earliest memory of playing a record on my parents' stereo was "Revolver" - still my favorite Beatles record - I used to listen to "Taxman" before leaving for nursery school 2) CSN(Y) - memories of summer camp - first band that I got hooked on beyond my parents' influence 3) The Cars - great drumming musicfor a kid learning the instrument - my teacher had great taste 4) Joni Mitchell - got hooked on her more progressive stuff first in collegeand started bleeding money at the record store buying up her catalog 5) Suzanne Vega - fell in love with her music before her major label release - she was the first artist that I tried to become "completist" about Ira