Bruce Brodeen wrote: And it makes me think of a possible strain. Five bands from folks' earliest of music listening 'careers' that forever changed, shaped, molded, influenced and enhanced your life, putting you on the road to ridiculous expenditures on music. A bit nebulous, but possibly fun and simple one w/o a lot of thought as it's almost an instinctive response for most. Sorry but five is not going to cut it so how about the Big Ten, in chronological order: The Bee Gees + Bread Before the Fab Four made their full impression on me, it was big ballads in the back of me Dad's car (8 track rules!) The Beatles Nuff said. Deep Purple My first band played "Smoke on the Water" incessantly! Did everyone who grew up in the 70s? Pink Floyd From the moment I heard that opening sequence to "Time," I was hooked ELO New World Record was the reason and I remain a Jeff Lynne fan to this day. Queen Frankly untouchable in the 70s, such eclectism. Progressive pop in the true sense of the word. Genesis Banks, Collins, Gabriel, Hackett, Rutherford - what a combination of true artists! The Jam Never liked the Pistols or the Clash, Weller and co were the real deal for me...(they LIKED the Beatles) XTC Quirky pop genius that got better with age... Bubbling under: The Police, Bowie, Elvis Costello, U2, Beach Boys, Neil Young, Todd Rundren, KISS, Replacements, Stones et al.