RECOMMENDATIONS: Like many of you, I'm never satisfied with the music that I've got. Once my search for a treasured CD or LP ends successfully, then it's on to the next thing or a new thing......In search of the lost chord, if you will.... Anyway, I love to do some web surfing and find places that sell cool stuff. I stumbled upon the Detour Records website quite a few times over the years, but never paid attention to anything but their label. Since the label has put out some way cool stuff lately, I gave 'em another look recently and found that they carry much more than I thought. They've even got some of that old TANGERINE RECORDS stuff in stock! And did you know that THE TRUTH's debut LP, "Playground", is on CD??? Well, you can buy it through Detour (or through The Truth's Dennis Greaves, but that is a bit more of a hassle). You'll find lots of cool mod, power pop, punk stuff in their catalog.. Plus, the label is cool. Some of the recent releases include: TIME UK-"One More Time", which is all the released recordings from the band led by former Jam drummer Rick Buckler and vocalist Jimmy Edwards LONG TALL SHORTY-"Completely Perfect", a 2CD collection of virtually all of their studio recordings plus everybody seems to love their back catalog: STRANGEWAYS' "Power Pop", INCREDIBLE KIDDA BAND, KILLERMETERS, and much more! Here's their website. Check 'em out: Here's their e-mail addy: Stephen Schnee 310 S. Jefferson St. #47-E Placentia, CA 92870