> Take this winner from "A Horse With No Name:" > > In the desert, you can remember your name > For there ain't no one for to give you no pain > > or this one from "Tin Man:" > > And cause never was the reason for the evening > Or the tropic of Sir Galahad. > > Or this mind blower from "Ventura Highway:" > > Oh a free wind is blowing through your hair > And the day surrounds your daylight there > Seasons cryin' no despair > Alligator lizards in the air..in the air And all three of the above written by the same American...Dewey "Gee-I-kinda-sound-like-Neil-Young" Bunnell. Now you know whose songs to skip! TOTALLY! Don't let Dewey's stinkers soil your experience! Gerry Buckley totally rules! "daisy jane" blows my mind continually. -m who attended three america gigs last year.