Someone (I lost track, sorry) wrote: > > Now that I have the top 20 list to use as a shopping guide, > > what is everyone digin as far as decent reads. I'm reading BUBBLEGUM MUSIC IS THE NAKED TRUTH, which lots of other people read and mentioned here over a year ago. I'm finding it spotty (thanks to the sheer number of contributors) but generally interesting. Before that, I read HOW TO BE GOOD, a terrible novel by Nick Hornby, author of the much better HIGH FIDELITY and ABOUT A BOY. His SONGBOOK is on my shelf waiting to be read now. Before that, I read a book with no musical content that I can recall--but it's a *great* read. It's KICK ME: ADVENTURES IN ADOLESCENCE, by Paul Feig. Feig was the co-creator of FREAKS AND GEEKS. If you dug that show, then you should read this book. It's both painful (if you had your share of awkward moments in high school) and hilarious. I wanted more when I finished; usually I'm ready to jump to the next book. Randy