Just checking in... One of the things I always click on when surfing the CDNow site is the top 20 lists compiled by others. I saw Captain Soul being touted and wondered if anyone has opinions of them. I understand that they are contributing to the Teenage Fanclub tribute. Next, I wonder about the Pillbugs. I received via trade a 2-disc set of material by them (loved it!). I have heard that they have 4 cdrs of material available on their website. I think I detect some mp3 conversion/distortion on my collection. What official releases has the band had and what lurks on those other 2 cdrs? About rating the bands...I've found that the mood I'm in while listening to the disc really affects my judgment. On first listen, I couldn't understand the raves about The Bigger Lovers "Honey in the Hive". I gave it a listen a month later and found it to be wonderful. Mike Wierd news about Phil Spector and the murder arrest, huh?