A bit of their own medicine. Couldn't happen to a nice bunch of muthaf*&#$&*s. Too bad they didn't manage to fit CCC in there somewhere . . . g On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 02:00:08 -0500 audities-owner@smoe.org writes: > FILE-SHARING COMPANY FILES ITS OWN SUIT > Sharman Networks, owner of the Kazaa file-sharing service, has filed a > counter suit in Los Angeles court, charging major record labels and > movie studios with collusion in trying to force online competitors out > of business. The entertainment industry has sued Sharman for its part > in copyright infringement, saying the Kazaa network is as legally > responsible as Napster for violations. Sharman claims that its service > is qualitatively different and is not responsible for the actions of > its users. The new suit asks the court to find that the entertainment > industry has violated antitrust laws and to prohibit record labels and > movie studios from enforcing any of their copyrights. ________________________________________________________________ Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Visit www.juno.com