As much as I hate participating in another "bands you like suck" thread, I'm intrigued by the possibility that either a universally loved or hated group exists. Since we're limiting the question to the CURRENT scene (and therefore excluding The Beatles, Jellyfish, etc.), let me nominate a few current artists and see if anybody will dare to knock them out of the "universally loved" category. In NO particular order: Matthew Sweet Squeeze XTC Owsley Splitsville The Merrymakers Myracle Brah Teenage Fanclub Cherry Twister Aimee Mann Sloan The Vandalias The Shazam Well, at least you know where MY tastes lie . . . As for the "universally disliked" class, Pearl Jam is disqualified for appearing on the Audities Best of the 90s list. I'm probably wrong, but I don't know that anybody here would admit to liking these: Michael Bolton Mariah Carey Celine Dion (oh PLEASE let it be her!) Whitney Houston I'd name more, but I tend to ignore music I don't like . . . g On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 02:00:08 -0500 writes: > I have wondered if there is any one band that EVERYONE on this list LOVES > from the current "pop scene". I doubt it. Conversely, I have wondered if > their is any artist that no one on this list likes (Dave Mathews?, Michael > Bolton?, Homer and Jethro?, Pearl Jam?).... ________________________________________________________________ Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today Only $9.95 per month! Visit