Thought that The Rosenbergs gave a great set at the IPO NY show in December. That was my only live experience of the band and I'm glad I had the opportunity to see a fine group of musicians fire up a room. The sentiment of appreciation included in Sherman's initial message seemed to be very much in keeping with the thoughts of several others who sent notes expressing regret at the break-up of The Rosenbergs. I didn't hear a call to drink The Rosenbergs Kool-Aid. My understanding of the following discussion is that Mr. Borak didn't think it appropriate that The Rosenbergs were sent a collective thank you from the Audities list by way of Mr. Boim. The fact that - in the aggregate - most Auditeers (including Mr. Borak) appreciated the band and its music seems to be immaterial to the heart of the matter. What Mr. Borak seems to have needed was recognition that he wrote a positive review that was published and maybe, kinda' deserved a personal thank you from The Rosenbergs for said appreciative review and support thus enabling him to send The Rosenbergs a very personal YOU ARE WELCOME from ME. I'm sure I'm mistaken but that is how it reads to me. If so, can you really handle that? Henry From: Popdude@a... Date: Thu Jan 30, 2003 5:56 pm Subject: Re: The Rosenbergs S. Boim wrote: I guess in retrospect I should have said, "Needless to say, I am sure all auditeers would respond to Evan, "You're welcome, you deserved our support." Except John Borack who doesn't support you, since he doesn't enjoy your music." In retrospect, Sherm, maybe you should have read my follow-up posts more closely where I said that I LIKED THE ROSENBERGS' MUSIC. I GAVE THE RECORD A POSITIVE REVIEW WHEN I WROTE ABOUT IT. I just didn't think they were as good as some other folks do. It's just my opinion. Can you handle that? John B. _________________________________________________________________ STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*