At 03:11 PM 1/30/2003 +0000, MTN HIGH wrote: >Like 'em or not, they are a part of this *powerpop* scene that so many here >claim isn't getting enough attention from the mainstream. > >IMO, these guys would have a much better chance making a dent if they had >support from those here who spread the word. > >Ay-yi-yi-yi... Ay-yi-yi-yi indeed, since your argument appears to be "Even if you think the Rosenbergs suck [which, incidentally, I didn't; I quite liked them], you should support them, because they're One Of Us." On the other hand, some of us think that supporting mediocre bands just because they've got the basic moves down is one of the things that got "the power pop scene" in such bad shape. Stewart NP: Parasol's Sweet Sixteen volume 6