John said...I wrote about "Mission: You" in Goldmine Magazine and gave it a positive review. As Casey Stengel used to say, you could look it up. (Uh-oh! Baseball reference!) Again, like 'em, don't love 'em, don't feel that ALL Auditeers necessarily need to support ANY one artist Loosely related.... I have wondered if there is any one band that EVERYONE on this list LOVES from the current "pop scene". I doubt it. Conversely, I have wondered if their is any artist that no one on this list likes (Dave Mathews?, Michael Bolton?, Homer and Jethro?, Pearl Jam?).... Somehow, I doubt that too. Not a bad thing. So what does all this mean? LEO SAYER IS MY GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK, It's been bottled up in me so long, that perhaps I've overstated my true feelings. Steve (digging out the clown suit and white face) NP: Orange Peels "So Far"