Many moons ago, I went to a hard rock/metal show out in San Bernardino; the Rubinoos were the opening band. For the life of me, I can't remember who the headliner was (Rush - Permanent Waves tour?), but they were NOTHING like the exuberant, upbeat power pop of the Rubinoos. I remember being vaguely amused at their unabashed love of all things pop; most of the crowd were definitely NOT into their set -- many boo's and catcalls could be heard echoing about the wonderful Orange Pavilion (a WWII-era Quonset hut masquerading as an auditorium). I caught them again a couple of years ago at IPO and they still had that wonderful, total *belief* and earnestness about them. Hella band, and as nice off-stage as they are on. Mike Simmons wrote: > Tommy Dunbar... I've never seen anything as good as him, ever. Then come with me on Saturday, February 8th to the Baked Potato and catch Mike Keneally. I guarantee you will have your mind blown and your ass handed to you (nicely, of course). Unfuckingreal guitarist and overall melodic madman. You know, I don't remember being especially blown away by Tommy Dunbar; I mean, he had excellent taste and tone, but I don't recall anything out of the stratospheric norm. Can you recommend a Rubinoos' tune where he gets all guitarded and stuff? I'd love to hear more lead guitar histrionics in power pop in general. Laughing, madly, in sagebrush, kErrY kOMpOsT NP: Adventures of Jet - Muscle (oh god, I'm coming....)