I think this record is great... but I'm kindof a sucker for tony berg productions of the era (michael penn, most notably). It's a shame he's too busy being A&R man & doesn't produce as much these days. It's probably a tad reverby for today's audiences, but it sounds SO good turned up really loud. my favorite song on it, and easily in my top five squeeze tracks, is "house of love" which has the coolest chord changes, vocalizations, piano parts, sound effects (electric drill!), and and a wacky lyric in the chorus: "a very acidic tounge waggled in her head" followed by... well.. the sound of tilbrook wagging his tounge. plus, Wendie Colter sang on it. -m ===== There are only 10 types of people. Those who understand Binary and those who don't. http://sparklejetsuk.com