> >Matthew Sweet I'd have to say "Like +". I'm not too fond of his A&M or Columbia stuff, but I love 100% Fun and Altered Beast. I thought his last couple were good, but not great. > >Squeeze "Like +" as well. I think Argybargy and East Side Story are wonderful, but all the other albums have maybe 2 or 3 songs each that I love. A lot of their stuff just misses the mark for me but, to paraphrase Shoes, "when it hits, it hits so hard". > >XTC Love. Though I find the early stuff to be uneven, Skylarking, Oranges and Lemons, and Nonesuch are great. Oranges And Lemons is an all-time favorite. > >Owsley Love, both his stuff with The Semantics and his solo album. > >Splitsville I love Pet Soul, and increasingly like each album from their inception onwards. I guess you could say "Like +" here. > >The Merrymakers Love...but not as much as Beagle. :-) > >Myracle Brah "Like ++". I love the first album, and really like most everything else, but they don't quite make the Love category. > >Teenage Fanclub "Like +". Grand Prix and Songs From Northern Britain are wonderful, and Bandwagonesque is real good. The other stuff, except for the songs "Everything Flows" and that first one on "Howdy", don't do too much for me. > >Cherry Twister Love, especially At Home With Cherry Twister. > >Aimee Mann Like. I think I'm With Stupid is excellent, but while I own all the other albums if I never hear them again I probably won't lose too much sleep. > >Sloan Here's a band that I know a lot of us love, but other than "Penpal" and any of the songs Jay writes (which, unfortunately, aren't too many), they don't do much for me at all. When I saw them live at The Troubadour, they were so loud I had to retreat to The Loft, and those of you who know me know that I never do that kind of thing. Plus, Chris Murphy's rock moves on stage were so obnoxious, I almost threw up my Diet Coke. I'd have to say "Like -" here. > >The Vandalias Love, for sure! > >The Shazam "Like ++" Godspeed The Shazam is excellent, and all the others are very good. By the way, how does Fountains Of Wayne stack up as an Audities universally loved band? Any dissenters? -- Pop Rules!!!!! Take Care, David