>Matthew Sweet EH, SORTA LIKE. I've never connected very deeply with any Matthew Sweet material; some of his songs, frankly, I find uninspired, if extremely well-crafted. A rule follower, IMO. >Squeeze LIKE. Hit and miss seems to be the phrase most often associated with Squeeze. One of those British '80's first-wave MTV bands for me initially; after a renewed interest in pop music, I've come to discover a lot of very good Squeeze material, veddy good indeed. Master craftsmen. >XTC LOVE. The Beatles if they hadn't broken up. Andy Partridge is my personal melodic god. Unbelievably innovative and original approach to song construction (see: That Wave). Lyrically on a par with Lennon, Davies and Townsend (the writers, not the law firm). Either breathtakingly perfect or irritatingly annoying; either way, XTC's music is *going* to affect you -- get used to it. >Owsley LIKE. One of what I categorize as the "Ken West" bands; ask Ken, he knows a million of 'em. Classic, modern powerpop, well-crafted and hooky, yet, to me anyway, suffering a *bit* from that "here we go again, I know exactly where this melody is going" kinda thing -- I dislike that, intensely. A promising writer, for certain. >Splitsville LOVE. Dope, phat; hippy-sizzle to the shizzle-dizzle. Melodic mastermind scientists, concocting elaborate musical visions in some stinky garage in Baltimore. Seriously, some extremely well-conceived material, performed passionately. The Brothers Huseman are, in my opinion, the American version of the Finn brothers, Neil and Tim. Not to single anyone out, but something about Matt's voice completely destroys me. Impeccable pop instincts. Don't like GBW nearly as much, sorry to say (way too simplistic IMO, these guys do *so* much more with SV). >The Merrymakers LIKE-ISH. I've only heard Bubblegun; "Saltwater Drinks" contains what could quite possibly THE perfect chorus; an astounding album opener. Nothing else -- other than the awesome Sturmer-assisted "April's Fool" -- gets to me in *quite* the same way. Slightly less than a yawner, but more than a snore. >Myracle Brah LIKE. Okay, so I *love* "She's So Young" and "Whisper Softly"; incredibly inspired pop songs (polished gems, actually). Some of the other records I've heard ("Plate Spinner") didn't quite do me, do me right. Someone I will always endeavor to check out, just 'cause the dude is capable of *anything*. >Teenage Fanclub HATE. Hahaha. Sorry, but TFC *define* cookie-cutter, buy-the-book (pun intended) pop, IMO. Perhaps this explains my TFC hatred: I recall the irritation I felt when seeing them on MTV (in the midst of the early grunge wave), with all their samey-sounding-songs, when all I wanted to hear was Alice in Chains "Them Bones" or "Would?" or some Soundgarden, or Nirvana (yeah, Nirvana!). Perhaps there is some lingering resentment on my part, I can't be certain. I'll admit, they're good at what they do; it's what they *don't* do to me (ha!) that keeps me away, in spite of Mike Simmons, Mike Randle and Ken West's insistence that these guys are GODZ. Me, I smell cookies burning. >Cherry Twister LIKE. Haven't heard a lot of Cherry Twister, but I felt the songs were unique, sporting a definite early Brian Wilson vibe, to me anyway. Not really enough listens to form a cohesive opinion. Rather, not. On a scale of apples to zucchini, I'd give 'em a lettuce. A band with the future very much in front of them (as opposed to being a band with a past very much behind them). Sorry, I'm rambling again. Mommy! >Aimee Mann HATE. There's just something about the "jittery artiste" thing, coupled with some very melodically-uninspired songwriting, that keeps Ms. Mann at arms length from my brainspace. I don't get her music at all, but her lyrics rule. Why so sad, butterfly? >Sloan LOVE. I enjoy conjuring the vision of a bunch of young Canadian dudes holed up in a saltbox house on the coast of Nova Scotia in the middle of a fucking blustery winter afternoon, smoking some pot and jamming out. These guys are soooo loose, willing to give anything a try, and always imbue each and every song with a genuine, authentic rock and roll spirit. The good stuff. >The Vandalias NEVER HEARD 'EM. >The Shazam LIKE. Blew me away, live -- balls, moxie galore. On their records, nothing really all that interesting happening, other than some reliably predictable songcraft coupled with an energetic delivery. I detect no tangible melodic imagination at work, frankly. Capable of great things, but not *quite* there yet. By the way, W-E-L-C-O-M-E to all these new Auditeer's suddenly crawling out from underneath the floorboards -- post like mad and be honest and respectful! Like I should lecture. kErrY kOMpOsT www.mp3.com/kompost