I've heard the Mockers track (though I can't remember which song it was, it's off "Thirteen," I'm pretty sure), and it's stellar... -----Original Message----- From: john.borack@twcable.com [mailto:john.borack@twcable.com] Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 4:56 PM To: audities@smoe.org Subject: Ooops, One More Trib.... Damn, almost forgot one...and this is gonna be a goodie...the upcoming TEENAGE FANCLUB trib. It's being compiled by Ken West, and he has put together a killer lineup of songs and artists paying tributes to the Fannies. I've heard most of this, and it rocks...Walter Clevenger, Bronco Bullfrog, Chewy Marble (a great rendition of "Metal Baby") and more...Ken, help me out here... John B.