--- In audities@yahoogroups.com, "Drew MacDonald" wrote: > David Bash asks: > > Anybody else on this list feel the same way about development of their > > tastes over the years? > > You and I are about the same age, David, and I have also experienced the > "re-appraisal" phenomenon regarding pop music I dismissed in the past. > > A prime example is Barry White. In his heyday, I vilified his work along > with the rest of disco, which I blamed for having killed what I considered > to be "real" soul music (Motown, Stax, Philly, etc.) But when I hear Barry > White now, I kinda dig all the swirly orchestration, propulsive beat, "love > man" lyrics and, of course, that voice. 25 years ago, his music had me > lunging for the radio switch; now it makes me smile and nod. > > Maybe the perspective of time has allowed me to see his work as worthy part > of the evolving continuum of black pop, or maybe the worst aspects of > hip-hop makes Barry's stuff seem so much better in comparison. Or maybe it's > just insidiousness nostalgia kicking in. > > At any rate, my past self would never have believed that in 2003, I'd rather > listen to Barry White than, say, Head East or whatever I was digging way > back then. > > Drew Hey Drew, Actually, I was trying to illustrate a different phenomenon (apparently not very eloquently), that if somehow in 1970 I'd heard the music of Celine, Whitney, Michael, etc...I probably would have loved it, while I absolutely abhor most of their music having heard it as an adult in the '90s, particularly that of Michael Bolton, who to my ears is the devil incarnate. Your re-appraisal is something I've also experienced. I couldn't stand disco when it was popular but I had a renaissance with it in the early '90s, and now I really like it! I've had similar experiences, albeit on a lesser scale, with some of the New Romantic stuff of the early '80s. That said, I doubt I'll have the same kind of epiphany with Celine Dion, Michael Bolton, Mariah Carey, etc..., and I'm absolutely certain it will never happen with Korn!! -- Pop Rules!!!!! Take Care, David