Seaman, Dave wrote: Also, Steve Wynn kerosene man > - is this the guy from Cherry Twister? if so, never heard of this one, but > it was only $1, so what the hey. The guy from Dream Syndicate. I'm really fond of "Kerosene Man," but if you develop any interest in him whatsoever, I can't recommend his most recent CD "Here Come The Miracles" highly enough. Miles beyond his other work, I think. It's also just about the only CD of his you won't tend to find in the dollar bin. :-) While I'm here, a completely off-topic request... I'm trying to find a graphic of a vinyl album for a website I'm doing - preferably a dingbat so I can mess with the size & color, but at any rate it needs to be on a transparent background and fairly basic. Google hasn't been good to me on this... I thought with all the folks here who've done music-related sites, maybe someone would be able to point me to a source? E