> Anybody else on this list feel the same way about development of their > tastes over the years? Nope - I detest the vocal gymnastics of Mariah and Celine now as much as I detested the sterile pap of Helen Reddy in her day. I liked rock and roll from the bubblegum of "Indian Giver" to the majesty of Hendrix and I still do. I think I've always found something to rally around and I'm not ashamed of a note of it. I continue to marvel at the buzz I get by immersing myself in music and what an effect it has had on me every day of my life. I've always loved talking about music with others, reading all I could find about it, and listening to whatever anyone had to say about it. That's a whale-load of opinions flying around, but I'm secure in the fact that the only one that means anything for me at the end of the day is mine. b