Just to see if I can finally post on this list... and to talk about a couple of bands that I've been told to listen to.... "Harris, Will" wrote: > > > Owsley's self-titled debut, however, DID knock my socks off, even though > there's yet to be anything else released by 'em (excluding the > almost-note-for-note cover of "Band on the Run" on the McCartney tribute). > I've been waiting with baited breath for ages now. C'mon, Owsley, from one > Will to another...hurry it up, will ya? > > Owsley: LOVE This may be a good album, but the production, especially the drums just seemed so sterile. I couldn't get started at all. Seemed like one of those records that began with good intentions, but was worked to death. Curse of a big label? > > > > I hate to lump Myracle Brah and the Shazam into one category, but I must. > It's called Bands That Put Out A Debut Album Everyone Else Raved About But > That I Only Kind Of Liked And Therefore Haven't Inspired Me To Buy Anything > Else Of Theirs Yet. I don't dislike either band. And I'm certainly willing > to give either band another chance. But I just haven't done so yet. > > Myracle Brah: LIKE > The Shazam: LIKE > > Shazam. You'd think from the name I'd love them being a huge Move fan....Saw the Move at the Fillmore in '69. They were the real thing. Shazam just didn't come close. I listened to a couple of cds a friend sent me. I'm not sure what it is that I don't care for? historical note: after a string of major gigs in '68 and '69 (the Who, Move, Hendrix, Procol, Yardbirds, Jeff Beck, Led Zep, Cream, Deep Purple) I gave up playing in bands to get into radio. Of all the modern bands I've seen, only GbV has come close to the power of those bands that inspired me. It was seeing REM Game Theory and Flaming Lips in the mid 80's that forced me to go buy a guitar again and start up a band. RS -- Ronald Sanchez Director Of A&R Career Records www.CareerRecords.com The Donovan's Brain Web Site www.Donovans-Brain.com