I read this on a Redd Kross group: >>I'm happy to announce to those of you who may not have heard yet ... via http://jasonfalkner.net/ comes the news of the the birth of TV Eyes ... a new band featuring Jason Falkner, Roger Manning and Brian Reitzel. There's some sample MP3's at their news group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TV_Eyes/<< Also from http://jasonfalkner.net/: >>New Album in the Works!! - Jason is currently working on his follow up to 1999's Can You Still Feel? Titles of some new tunes are "This Life of Mine," "Feelin' Much Better," "Start Over," "Princessa," "Hello Mr. Future," and "Song Unknown." "Start Over" is a reworking of "Start Over Again." He's also changed the name of "Became Anita Captured" to "These Early Days." He's expecting the album to be ready before next summer.<< So, that's cool -- word. kErrY kOMpOsT www.mp3.com/kompost