Saw a storming show last night as the Forever Changes Tour came to Manchester, England. Arthur Lee was in fine form and his voice was as good as ever. The FC album sounded immense with the addition of the 8 piece string and brass section, Alone Again Or and You Set The Scene were particularly special. Other highlights were great versions of Your Mind and We Belong Together, She Comes In Colours and Singing Cowboy (just fantastic). Special mention goes to the Baby Lemonade boys who, similarly to The Wondermints with Brian Wilson, must form the best live band Arthur has worked with. Rusty was the main man when it came to leading the musicians on stage. Having seen the Brian Wilson tour in 2002, the biggest difference was that Arthur's voice is definitely the stronger after all these years, but both were events to remember. As an aside, I saw on upcoming gig listings that Baby Lemonade are back in the UK in March. Does anyone know of a new album in the works? Great to be on the new list, Mike.