Elizabeth said... I once bought a used Amy Correia CD because it was signed "Tiffany - this is my first autograph for the record! Thanks!" and it just seemed too sad to let it sit there. Turned out to be a really excellent record, incidentally. Hi Elizabeth, Nice rescue. I mentioned this before I think but.... I bought a David Mead disc which is signed something like.. "Darren, thanks for the warmth and hospitality in Minneapolis, David". It is sort of odd to see something like this sitting in the used bin... Who ever asked about David Grahame. I don't think you can go wrong. I think, I'm missing one, much to my surprise. For what it is worth, my fav is "Beatle School" with "Toy Plane" right behind it. I loved "Toy Plane" but was surprised to find that "Beatle School" was even a bit better (to my ears). Best, Steve D. Steve