I saw Probyn do his solo thing at Third Thursday last January I believe .. I had tried to find out several times if he had any of the solo recordings commercially available. I guess not. I love the work he does with The Negro Problem, Mello Cads, Wondermints, etc. Maybe he'll get around to releasing some of it eventually. BTW, don't forget that the Wondermints are on Craig Kilborn tonight! In a message dated 1/24/2003 12:39:59 PM Pacific Standard Time, AdamGhost@aol.com writes: > I don't think he's ever put any of it out, but Probyn has a lot of his own > stuff, and used to be one of my favorite solo performers before he got too > busy as a sideman to do it very much...very much in the poppy Rundgren mode > > with some awesome guitar playing; a few novelty tunes as well. It must be > demo'ed somewhere.