hi pop friends! just wanna send out some thanks to the folks who keep talking about albums and songs that hit them nicely recently. because of my audities membership i had quite a nice day in the used cd store the other day. i found used and inexpensive copies of the the new bleu album(an advance promo) the czars, david meade's "mine and yours" and the chamber strings' "month of sundays." after initial spins, i'm liking them all. thanks to all who have raved/ranted about these discs. i never would have looked for them had it not been for this mighty fine forum! thanks for all your hard work michael! song of 2002 for me: definitely "sorry" by michael simmons' fine sparklejets*UK. of course, i had the demo of it awhile back, but it was great to hear it all polished up and sandwiched between many other great songs. i tell ya michael, if that song never becomes a smash hit, 'tis a sad world we live in. and on a totally random note, i was wondering what some of ya'll's favorite songs were of the 90s. i know albums have been discussed, but has there been a run of folks' favorite songs? i thought about it for awhile, and though "new mistake" changed my world and how i looked at pop music, if it came down to just picking one song per decade for me, i'd have to say it was "easter theatre." i'm transfixed whenever that song comes on, whether it's on one of the many party cds i've made or when i'm settled down in my couch with "apple venus vol. 1" blaring. and on finding your band's disc in the used bin or seeing it up for a trade -- i know what you mean mr. carpenter! "you don't like my baby!" (no pun intended). what hurts even more (and this has happened a handful of times for me) is seeing an autographed cd of yours in the used bin! ouch! anyways, your music is excellent michael so just know that plenty of pop lovin' folks (myself included) have enjoyed your work immensely. and to bring this all around -- just look at all the stuff i found used that i probably wouldn't have been able to afford to experiment on. already a buddy of mine is ready to go buy the new bleu disc after i played him "could be worse." keep up all the fun posts everybody! although i lurk most of the time, checking in on audities is a highlight of my break time at work! cheers and pop on! mark flora