Thanks for the links - when I get my rebate check from the RIAA, Im going to buy some CD-R's! (just kidding) Also props to Will Harris for mentioning the A*Teens in his best songs list. I probably would included their hyperactive version of Elvis' "Can't Help Falling In Love " from the Lilo & Stich" soundtrack. I have a cousin who loves them so I used Kazza and WinMX to find some dance mixes for a mix gift CD. I found one track called "Heartbreak Lullaby" that is just succulent dance-teen-pop, I would have included it in my Top 40 list but it came out in 2001, plus was never released here in the USA. Billy (Radio Disney addict - help!) At 10:18 AM 1/28/03 -0800, you wrote: >got this interesting email from a friend this morning......... > >Have you collected your $20 payment from the major record labels & >retailers yet? > >They're forced to give $44 million back to consumers, but since most >people don't know about it yet, it's going mostly unclaimed. > >Read this article from the AP newswire: >,1294,57111,00.html > >Then CLICK THIS LINK to file your claim: >http://www.musiccdsettlement.c