In a message dated 1/28/2003 12:18:41 PM Eastern Standard Time, seamand@MSX.UPMC.EDU writes: > any comments from others? agree? disagree? squeezaholics flame away? I think that "Play", moreso than any other item in the Squeeze catalog, is a "grower." I really didn't *get* it at first, either, but now I love it. Give it a few more spins and your mind might change. It is the most mellow and "earthy" album in their catalog, which is perhaps a reflection of Glenn's divorce, which was occurring at the time. That's why I think that the slower, sad songs play best--like "Cupid's Toy" (which I think is just fantastic) and "Letting Go". That said, "Crying In My Sleep" is a great horn-spikey pop song (though it may be what sparked your Wham! comparison). Personally I think "Sunday Street" sounds a bit too much like a TV advert. > > any suggestions on post-80s releases from Squeeze that come recommended? i > would like to find some more recent Squeeze that i can > enjoy... Fans will bicker, but I would say that "Ridiculous" and "Some Fantastic Place" more or less defined late-period Squeeze. Each has a few clunkers, but they're situated amongst a set of stone-cold Squeeze classics and a few experiments that find them braching out a bit to varying results. Most fans feel the same about "Play", though, too, but both SFP and Ridiculous are peppier, more upbeat, and share more with early Squeeze than Play does. --Jason