recently picked up Squeeze's "Play" CD in the bargain bin, and just can't get into it. I really like the 3 early Squeeze albums i have: Argy Bargy, East Side Story and (to a lesser extent) Sweets from a Stranger. but i think this '91 release sounds a bit too slick/Wham!/80s to me. and more importantly, i don't think the songs are there. after about 3-4 listens, very little is sticking. i think the songs are stuck in that "let me force all these tons of words that chris gave me to music at the expense of truly memorable melody/flow/structure/songcraft" rut that Squeeze sometimes (often?) gets into. i mean, they have always been too wordy for their own good IMHO, but i have forgiven that and liked Squeeze in the past because the entire packaged worked. but put all of the weaknesses (that i found on Play) together on one cd, and Wham! -- Play goes into my "no-play" pile. (okay, i may burn Sunday Street and one or two other of the better songs onto a comp first.) any comments from others? agree? disagree? squeezaholics flame away? any suggestions on post-80s releases from Squeeze that come recommended? i would like to find some more recent Squeeze that i can enjoy...