I decided to heck with the downtime, let's do it. There's both little tweaks and a few big issues to tackle, but frankly this mailing-list software is so complicated we'll deal with issues as they arise. Before going any further, I would like to thank the kind folks at Smoe.ORG for hosting our list. They're both sys admin types and music fanatics, so I feel like we've arrived at the proper place, and I hope you will too. The new list server software is Majordomo 2, and although it shares a name with our predecessor, commands can be both different and enhanced. Read the help files if you want to tweak you subscription or are just curious. Majordomo 2 has improved security, so we should see no more URGENT MESSAGEs or rude posts from our Popmail friends. ------------------------------------------------------------- The new posting address: audities@smoe.org ------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone currently subscribed has been moved, both per-message and digest subscribers. If anyone is not getting Audities via their preferred delivery method, please drop me a line. So post away... ------------------------------------------------------------- Subscription management: ------------------------------------------------------------- Try the web forms at www.smoe.org/cgi-bin/mj_wwwusr?func=lists-long-full&extra=audities Via email: send to -- with any of the following instructions in the BODY of the message: info audities - information about the Audities-List subscribe audities [
] unsubscribe audities [
] [un]subscribe yourself (or ADDRESS) to/from Audities help - Overview of Majordomo 2 help commands - Summary of Commands for Subscribers ------------------------------------------------------------- Audities-List webpage: http://www.well.com/~reissue ------------------------------------------------------------- This is temporary until a web server is operational at home. I'll try to keep this site current. If all else fails, contact me - the list-owner @ either the list owner address or my personal address . Happy posting, may we be spam free, and most of all BE KIND. - michael coxe audities-list administrator michael@audities.net