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From "Jaimie Vernon" <>
Subject Re: eMusic
Date Thu, 10 May 2007 17:05:31 -0400

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At Date: Thu, 10 May 2007 13:35:23 Lee wrote:

>>  - I don't much care if people can make their living out of music or not 
>I could re-phrase this to say it would be impossible for me to feel
>responsible for the livelihoods of *all* the artists whose music I enjoy -
>beyond spending my money on their products instead of downloading.  I do
>have my own problems.


But conversely:
It just galls me that so many people I've met just think music materializes 
out of nowhere like oxygen on a warm breeze. Are we like philosophers who 
have nothing to do with our time but live some idyllic existence for the 
amusement of the masses?

By definition all musicians want people to hear their music and, hopefully, 
have a career that supports their ability to do that -- it's what being a 
commercial success is. To those who do it without these considerations I 
say, God bless 'em, and hopefully their Mom's and Dad's and girlfriends will 
buy them dinner and keep a roof over their head.,

There needs to be an education programme out there titled "Music -- Not Just 
A Hobby Anymore".

>I have to assume they get some value from me buying their product through 
>whatever delivery >method they've chosen to use - even if I choose the most 
>economical one for me (which for me is >the cheapest cd I can find).

Fair enough and that's all we can hope for. But also understand that if the 
delivery method ISN'T fair (like eMusic and Puretracks) then there shouldn't 
be any complaining about lack of choices when someone subscribes. You've 
chosen your economical way of getting your music....we've chose our economic 
way of presenting it. I'm sorry if you can only get our songs everywhere BUT 
e-Music. You can't get our songs in Best Buy or WalMart either but I don't 
hear anyone bitching about that.

>If I stressed about every music purchase I made on that level - I'd have to 
>see whether they were >getting screwed by their agents, or record company 
>contracts ...  etc. etc.  Obvious ones like >allofmp3 notwithstanding.

No one's asking you to....otherwise no one would be left to buy 
music...never mind make it.

Jaimie Vernon,
Not just a label guy...but an artist too.

PC Magazine’s 2007 editors’ choice for best Web mail—award-winning Windows 
Live Hotmail.

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