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From Not Lame <>
Subject Kelly's idea -I'm in...and more.
Date Thu, 20 Feb 2003 17:51:26 -0700

[Part 1 text/plain US-ASCII (3.8 kilobytes)] (View Text in a separate window)

> alright then...what 25 of you will ante up $200 to the
> kitty, for some deserving soul to be awarded $5000 to
> use as s/he sees fit, for the good of all, and god
> knows how we determine who that soul is, among us?  Do
> we run it like a venture capital company, and
> "investors" can pick and choose the products they
> support, or they just add money to broker types and
> expect return? Me, if we're getting all co-op about
> it, I'd rather be able to pick my languishing artists
> to support.   I wish I knew more about this model for
> me to actually suggest something useful, but i'm
> afraid i just don't.  It certainly is an intriguing
> notion.  And I'm sure I'd rather get no money back
> than "split equally" with the artist him/herself  -
> isn't that the very corporate notion we'd be trying to
> overthrow?
Well, actually some of us were kind of joking at first....but an artist like
Owsley in this sort of situation brings to mind the Sarah McLaughlin sort of
thing.  And others have done it, too.  Where they solicted,(bad word for
artists, but let's call it straight) their most ardent fans a special
'bonus' fan package.  The funds from which went to buy back the masters and
press the album up.

(note: we did this w/ the Rooks "Soundscape".....with all the funds from the
special edition going to the recording budget for their next record........)

She leveled the donations, but say, for the sake argument, there are two:

one:  $50
two:  $100 or more

For the former, the fans gets:

Autographed copy of album upon release.  Special CD-R of demos/live
material.  Sticker of the band and a thank you p rinted on the record.
"Thanks To"

For the later:

Same as above plus, another CD-R of more live/demos, poster and listed as
"extra special thanks to".  A handdrawn autographed doodle.  And a
handwritten letter of thanks from the artist.  No emails from brothers who
are questionable communicators for their stead.  ;-)

(be creative w/ what goes into the package.....i'm just throwing the obvious
out here)

Or something like that......Sarah as I recall, ende d up w/ $80,000.  2/3 of
it went to buy the masters back(she negotiated) and the rest went to
pressing and off she went.

Others have done this, too......Jill Siberry, I believe.

You say 'why'.  We say 'why not'.

He has 300-500 fans probably that would take this.  Probably a solid 30-50
from this just this list.

Say 200 do the former, 200 do that the later. That's $30,000.  Obviously,
that's before costs(shipping, packaging, manufacturing, some art design,
etc....but it would be a fun project)

Sooo, Will.......ponder it at least.  :-D

Also, the above specific idea of Kelly's w/an artist chosen by  this
community(plus,it gives a chance to see how much of a community this really
is.....i'll all for putting up or shutting up w/ this kind of
idea).......why not?  There can be different levels of the patronage one can
donate and have it set up the same way, too.  There should be two orthree
levels, imho---w/t he commensurate value-adds tacked on for each increasing

It s hould *not* be a for profit adventure, venture capital
thing.  The money goes to record and press the record.  (but the artist will
have to commit, if there is any shortfall w/ getting the record pressed,
that they will take care of that themselves and get it out so they can keep
the bargain to the patrons getting whatever they would receive from their
'gift' to the pop arts).

The people to donate are true patrons of the art discussed here and get
whatever is agreed upon. If the record is a hit......well, the artist owns
the master and the story to take the next level and all our good wishes.

Sooo.....WHY NOT!  I'll commit to whatever is set up w/ this list for the
highest level right now.

@ Not Lame Recordings

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